
Sivi Aberg Profile

Sivi Aberg
Sivi Aberg
Photo of Sivi Aberg
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(Siv Marta Karlbom)
7 May 43 / 44 is born in Sweden
? graduates with a degree in cosmetology / dermatology
64 is crowned "Miss Sweden"
is 2nd / 3rd runner-up to Corinna Tsopei, Greece, in the "Miss Universe" contest in Miami Beach, Florida
c. 65 goes to the States
January 67 is among ten finalists for the Deb Stars of 1967, balloted by the Hollywood make-up artists and hair stylists. The others are Celeste Yarnall, Debbie Watson, Anne Morell, E. J. Peaker, Cami Sebring, Linda Henning, and Lisa Jak.
28 January 67 is named "Hollywood Star of Tomorrow," winning over eight other debutante stars at the "Hollywood Stars of Tomorrow Awards" show on ABC. The program is hosted by Steve Allen and his wife, Jayne Meadows.
January 67 her measurements are 37-24-37. "She has made 20 or so television commercial since coming to the States."
10 February 67 marries Thor Esbjorn Aberg in San Francisco. He's 35; she's 22.
May 67 reminds local newspaper readers of the Bell Ringers March taking place May 6 to 7 with 20,000 volunteers for non-profit Mental Health Association of Los Angeles County
September 67 graces the West Valley area Builders Emporium opening at 10360 Mason Avenue, Chatsworth, California
December 67 she and actor Aaron Kincaid promote the Chinese Express Cantonese specialty food-to-go in Van Nuys, California
March 68 as "Operation Entertainment Girls," she, Shawn Robinson, Karen Joy, and Eileen O'Neill are pictured saluting the boys onboard the U.S.S. Constellation.
August 68 she and fellow "Operation Entertainment Girls" Marina Ghane, Shawn Robinson, and Eileen O'Neill return to Hollywood in a chartered airplane. The 85-member cast and crew of ABC's traveling variety show, which includes Terri Gibbs and his band, had been "on the road since July 7."
April 73 divorces Aberg in Santa Clara County. He will die at age 57 in 1989 in California.
16 July 77 marries Kenneth Archibald in San Mateo County. He's 43; she's 32.
September 78 is among the celebrities of NBC's "US Against the World II" show competing in athletic competition
? she and her husband reside in Arnold, California
Oakland Tribune, Van Nuys News, Chronicle-Telegram, The Fresno Bee, Walla Walla Union-Bulletin,
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Glamour Girls of Sixties Hollywood by Tom Lisanti