
Cathie Merchant Profile

Cathie Merchant
Cathie Merchant
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(Catherine Ann Beacom)
15 November 34 is born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; the daughter of James Joseph and Grayce Button Beacom
21 December 36 wins a loving cup for high scores in the "Better Baby Contest" sponsored by the Elks in Oklahoma City
June 52 graduates from Capitol Hill High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
19 July 53 marries Carl Chester Merchant
? divorces Merchant
19 June 66 marries Dr. Samuel Rapport
8 November 66 her father dies at age 54 in Oklahoma City
1 December 81 is admitted to the California State Bar
8 March 88 her mother, a retired Los Angeles Juvenile Hall deputy clerk, is elected San Pedro-Wilmington representative to the CA Senior Legislature. She will remain involved in senior issues until her death of cancer on February 20, 1992, in San Pedro
? divorces Rapport
16 December 11 her State Bar License becomes inactive
2 February 13 dies at age 78
Cathy Ellis, Harris M. Lentz III, Hans Wollstein,
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