
Scott Weldon Profile

Scott Weldon
Scott Weldon
Photo of Scott Weldon
(Evelyn Dorothy Boesch)
41 is born in Hudson County, New Jersey to Rudolf Boesch and Lydia Schaefer
? aspires to be a lawyer or psychiatrist
26 July 51 has an object removed from her right foot at Jersey Shore General Hospital
? is a waitress at Town Lunch in Hoboken, New Jersey
April 57 meets Maharajah of Baroda at the April in Paris Ball, who will introduce her to producers in Hollywood. He will later propose to her.
3 May 57 reportedly has lined up three screen tests
29 June 57 stars in the stage production of Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter at the Clinton Playhouse
25 July 57 says in an interview with Julian Armstrong that "Now I'm on a magazine cover and considering one screen test and two broadway offers."
her advice to aspiring actresses: "work at it and watch out for crooks."
24 August 57 is crowned Miss Jersey VFW
September 57 is tested by 20th-Century Fox
November 57 is featured in Foto-rama
is featured in Dude
6 November 57 Earl Wilson writes that "Scott Weldon, model, waitress, and sometimes dishwasher at her mother's restaurant is getting offers from scouts who consider that she's got what Kim Novak has..."
December 57 is crowned "Oh Baby of the Year"
12 March 58 lapses into a coma due to a strenuous diet. She is rushed to St. Mary's Hospital where she will make a full recovery.
? receives get-well flowers from Kim Novak
April 58 is featured in Breezy
is featured in Frolic
July 58 is featured in Tempo
August 58 is featured in Night and Day
? marries Irving Feigeles in New York
May 60 her son, Steven R, is born
July 60 is featured in Hit Show
63 is featured in Beauty Bazaar
her son, Kenneth, is born
70 is featured in Man's Combat
? studies nursing at Miami-Dade Community College
? is president of the Miami Ileostomy-Colostomy Association
8 December 80 dies in Hillsborough, Florida after complications following a surgical procedure
12 December 80 is interred at the Lithgow 150th Street Chapel
Courier-Post, The Gazette, Tempo, The Herald-News, Asbury Park Press, The Mercury, Steven Feigeles, Samuel Clemens
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