
Sally Todd Profile

Sally Todd
Sally Todd
Photo of Sally Todd
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(Sarah Joan Todd)
7 June 34 is born in Missouri to Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. and Pauline Todd
? studies drama in Tucson
November 52 is a candidate for Queen of the Ball
January 53 is a finalist for Golf Queen by the Los Conquistadores Chamber of Commerce
19 April 53 entertains at the Temple of Music and Art
c. 54 goes to California because her savings won’t take her to Canada
? running out of money in Hollywood, she gets a job modeling teenage clothes
October 55 is a model on “The Johnny Carson Show.” The others “Carson Cuties” are Phyllis Applegate, Norma Brooks, and Theona Bryant.
56 is TV's highest paid model
February 56 models the Wikini beachwear at San Francisco
20th Century-Fox heralds her as "a young Lana Turner and much prettier than Marilyn Monroe"
March 56 is seen with her mother at The Keys Restaurant
April 56 is seen at the Sportsmen’s Lodge with Johnny Anderson
June 56 Playboy runs a picture story about her on a date in Las Vegas
? dates Bill Whitehall
28 August 56 Walter Winchell writes: “Vince Edwards, who wed Sally Todd (of the films) yesterday at Vegas winged into New York this morning to discuss one of the principal roles in The Bells are Ringing musical...”
October 56 is featured in Brief
January 57 is the centerfold in Bachelor
February 57 Playboy's "Playmate of the Month"
April 57 columnist Harrison Carroll knows: “The pretty girl who has been dating Vince Edwards on the Ride for Revenge location is Sally Todd...”
July 57 will get the big magazine buildup
columnist Walter Winchell thinks that she’s “plenty earthy about Ron Scher, the shoe tycoon.”
58 makeup man Harry Thomas wants to make her the monster in Daughter of Frankenstein, but the producers don't think she is big enough to fight and look menacing
February 58 is seen at the Gourmet Beverly with Charles Marion, the ex of actress Elena Verdugo
April 58 is the new interest of actor Jack Webb
May 58 is the secret uh-huhney of Webb
20 August 58 there are rumors she married Vince Edwards in Las Vegas yesterday
26 August 58 in a Hollywood freeway accident involving five cars, she suffers bruises on her left wrist, fingers, and right knee when she is hurled through the right window of her sports car onto the pavement at Barham Boulevard. She is booked after failing an intoxication test. Her car was travelling at an estimated 70 mph when, out-of-control, it collided with four cars.
27 August 58 is held in city jail on suspicion of felony drunk driving. She tells officers she had two drinks with a girlfriend and explains she was en route home when the car went out of control as she stepped on the brake. Her address is 11060 Fruitland Drive, North Hollywood.
2 September 58 shows up in Los Angeles court just to learn that no formal felony drunk driving charge was filed against her. She is told to return on September 10, by which time the police department, the district attorney’s office and the court expect to have things straightened out.
September 58 her agent, Ivan Wainer, says she’ll fight those drunk driving charges
19 October 58 appears at the Los Angeles Superior Court to face drunk driving charges
February 59 is the date of Lindsay Crosby at his party at the Bantam Cock, celebrating his discharge from the Army
August 60 is seen with Donahue at the Coconut Grove; immediately afterwards he's seen dating starlet Sherry Jackson at the Virgin’s Hut
November 60 steady dates Troy Donahue again
is reported visiting Troy Donahue at the eastern location site for Parrish
chums expect her to elope with Troy
61 is dated a great deal by Troy Donahue before his romance with Swedish actress Lili Kardell, whom he will marry. There are rumours that she became hysterically tearful when Troy told her it was over and of his decision to marry Lili in the summer. Others claim Lili had been her best friend until she took Troy away from her.
March 61 Troy Donahue can’t make up his mind between her and Lili Kardell
c. mid-October 61 marries singer Charles Cochran
November 61 she and her escort, Dr. Martin Goldfarb, are noted dancing the Twist at Bob Wasserman's party
December 61 columnist Harrison Carroll reports: “They still are separated, but Sally Todd was at the Fontainebleau opening of her estranged husband, singer Charlie Cochran...”
June 63 columnist Walter Winchell expects her to marry CBS engineer William James "this week"
8 June 63 marries John W. James in Las Vegas, Nevada
April 67 she and Pat Boone will ride in the parade of the Frontier Days celebration in Tarzana, California
? divorces James
15 publishes her autobiography, Notorious, Sally Todd, the Life of a Hollywood Icon
21 November 22 dies in France
"Harry Thomas" in Interviews with B Science Fiction and Horror Movie Makers by Tom Weaver, Syracuse Herald American, Van Nuys News, The Lima News, Casa Grande Dispatch, The Vidette-Messenger, Syracuse Herald-Journal, Lancaster Eagle-Gazette, Nevada State Journal, Denton Journal, The Coshocton Tribune, The Zanesville Signal, Humboldt Standard, Oakland Tribune, Tucson Daily Citizen, The Sun, Humboldt Standard, Photoplay, Playboy,
Recommended Books:
Fifties Blondes by Richard Koper
Notorious, Sally Todd, the Life of a Hollywood Icon by Sally Todd
Brian's Drive-In Theater: Sally Todd