
Connie Mason Profile

Connie Mason
Connie Mason
Photo of Connie Mason
(Connie Cusick)
24 August 37 is born in Washington, D.C.
? attends school in Danville, Virginia
55 marries Walter Mason
58 divorces Mason
marries actor Tony Young. He’s about 21; she’s about 20.
divorces Young
June 63 is Playboy’s Playmate of the Month
columnist Walter Winchell reveals: “Oleg Cassini’s current distraction is Connie Mason, this month’s Playboy Playmate...”
16 February 64 marries actor William D. Kerwin, the ex of actress Hanna Landy. He’s 36; she’s 26.
64 her daughter Kim is born in Hollywood, Florida. She will become an actress.
28 May 66 her daughter Denise is born in Hollywood, Florida. She will become an actress.
21 October 89 becomes the widow of Kerwin, who dies at age 62 in Hollywood, Florida, of a heart attack
Humboldt Standard,
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