
Eileen Maxwell Profile

Eileen Maxwell
Eileen Maxwell
Photo of Eileen Maxwell
(Eileen Marie Maxwell)
1 July 36 is born in Plumas, California to Kermit and Lenore Maxwell
14 February 53 marries Steve Bidak
17 June 53 begins rehersals for Son of Sinbad (1955)
April 54 is crowned Queen of the Spin Casting Tournament
7 December 54 becomes the widow of Bidak
5 February 55 attempts suicide
says about her husband, “It was because of him that I got those parts in the movies Women’s World and Son of Sinbad.”
2 September 55 marries Russell William Oakey
May 57 is a judge for the Miss North Hollywood pageant
? divorces Oakey
61 is featured in Adam
1 November 09 dies in Palo Cedro, California
Portola Reporter, Valley Times, Los Angeles Times, Brooklyn Daily
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