
Honey Merrill Profile

Honey Merrill
Honey Merrill
Photo of Honey Merrill
2 September 34 is born in Ventura County, California
May 50 is featured in Love Letters
September 50 is crowned Miss Friendship
March 52 is featured in Gala
29 November 52 E.V During reports that "Honey Merrill, red-haired green-eyed model, has been featured on twenty six magazine covers so far and she's only 18..."
October 53 is featured in VUE
February 54 is featured in Frolic
September 54 is featured in TOPS
December 54 is featured in TAB
April 55 is featured in Frolic
October 55 is featured in People Today
5 September 56 Dorothy Kilgallen reports that "Joe DiMaggio is cruising between two dazzlers, a television actress named Honey Merrill and French model Simone Auger."
29 October 56 Dorothy Kilgallen reports that "Jackie Gleason's current cutie is Honey Merrill, an eye-filling singer..."
21 February 57 is a twosome with Dick Haynes at The Playroom
4 April 57 makes her Las Vegas debut at The Tropicana Hotel
21 December 69 marries singer Dick Roman at the Harold's Club
? her daughter Miel is born
26 June 70 Earl Wilson writes that "the news that Jackie Gleason finally got a divorce was received calmly by his long-time fiancée Honey Merrill having dinner at La Scala with her husband singer Dick Roman. Gleason had planned, when he started the divorce action years ago, to marry Honey."
87 is interviewed by Skip E. Lowe
29 July 16 as Honey Merrill Roman, she dies at age 82 in Marietta, Georgia
Giseld Dervishi, The Winona Daily News, Star Tribune, San Francisco Examiner, Miel Roman
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