
Penny Sweeny Profile

Penny Sweeny
Penny Sweeny
Photo of Penny Sweeny
(Hannah Lou Smith)
November 29 is born in Dayton, Ohio
? marries Edward Charles Sweeney
is cast in Son of Sinbad (1955)
16 May 54 Louella Parsons reports that "the girl at the night spots with Brad Dexter... is a model named Penny Sweeney."
27 September 54 is a twosome at the Sip 'n' Surf with Richard Egan
10 March 55 files for divorce from Sweeney
22 March 55 Dorothy Kilgallen writes that "Jane Russell's secretary, Penny Sweeney, has received her divorce diploma."
19 August 57 Sidney Skolsky reports that "Dick Crenna is marrying Penny Sweeney, 'Four Star' secretary."
19 October 57 marries Richard Crenna
1 September 20 dies in Beverly Hills, California
Los Angeles Evening Citizen News, El Paso Times, Lancaster Eagle-Gazette
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