
Judy Ulian Profile

Judy Ulian
Judy Ulian
(Judith Raben)
10 May 33 is born in New York
? has dogs named Snowball and Frisky
49 is crowned Miss Great Neck of 1949
? signs with the Nassau Modeling Agency
enrolls at the Barbizon Modeling and Acting School
studies at the Adelphi School of Dramatics
4 October 49 says in Newsday, “I know the value of curves in the right places… so do the Dodgers.”
June 51 is featured in TV Guide
24 June 51 appears on TV Party hosted by Bill Stern and Candy Jones
29 December 51 marries Israel Ullian
52 wins a contest sponsored by Modern Screen and Wald-Krasna Productions to appear in a film with RKO. She is one of ten contestants who won after producers reviewed over 16,000 applicants.
? is scheduled to appear in High Heels and Girls Wanted at RKO Studios
May 52 is featured in Movie Teen
July 52 is featured in Modern Screen
December 52 her son David is born
? is cast in Son of Sinbad (1955) at $250 a week
May 54 her son Michael is born
28 August 55 contracts polio and is in an iron lung
1 September 55 dies at Meadowbrook Hospital after suffering from polio
2 September 55 Jean Sands of the Nassau Modeling Agency says "she was the prettiest girl I could find in the whole country."
? Nassau County stars the Judy Rabin Ullian Memorial Trophy given to sports winners
Newsday (Suffolk Edition), Daily News, Michael Ullian
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