
Edwina Hazard Profile

Edwina Hazard
Edwina Hazard
(Edwina Lou Hazard)
1 May 32 is born in Stamford, Connecticut
20 August 49 sails to Paris, France where she will study French
13 September 53 M. Oakley Stafford writes that "Edwina Hazard, who film debuts as a slave girl in the 3-D Technicolor film, Son of Sinbad, is one girl who knows all about the birds and the bees. While in Paris, she did sound effects of bees and bird calls for a Paris radio station."
18 April 1957 her son, Michael, is born
62 publishes The Wonderful New Book of Ballet
15 November 85 marries Gary Krohn
19 February 97 dies
The McCook Daily Gazette, Hartford Courant
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