
Pat Channing Profile

Pat Channing
Pat Channing
Photo of Pat Channing
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(Patricia Jones)
August 33 is born in Michigan to Mr. and Mrs. John Ferris
? is a cashier at a movie theater
51 graduates from Grosse Pointe High School
April 52 is crowned Miss Steel Town
17 April 52 Hub George reports that "She is Pat Channing. Meet this talented 18-year-old, and see her shine in newly found Hollywood glory in Detroiters' Day, a pictorial report in Graphic..."
October 52 is featured in Hot Rod
November 52 is crowned Flower Girl of the Wilshire Center
December 52 is featured in True Love Stories
23 May 53 marries John D. Rogers at the Beverly Hills Hotel
September 58 her son Michael is born
? marries David Vickter
? marries Morris G. Singer
Hot Rod Magazine, Battle Creek Enquirer, Detroit Free Press
Recommended Books:
Glamour: Models, Mannequins, and Pinups of the 1950s by Samuel Claesson